The Sleep Well Checklist for Better Sleep

Getting a good night of sleep isn’t always easy. Knowing how to implement a good bedtime routine will help you sleep well every night. We live in a fast-paced, technology-rich environment. We have kids and sleeping partners that readily disturb our nights too. Accepting that there will be days when you’re more tired than others will help you achieve better quality sleep the next night. It’s not always possible to fall asleep and stay asleep for a full eight hours though!

All new parents know that sleeplessness comes with the territory. Sure, we suffer the inevitable ‘baby brain’ that such a role and so much sleeplessness causes. But we carry on. We get there. Even if your insomnia has no obvious explanation, you too can continue to carry on in life. And the more you do each day, the easier it should be to sleep well each night. Have you heard of sleep hygiene? This is a term used to describe some of the things you should pay attention to when it comes to settling down for the night. It’s discussed at length in my book about sleep.

Sleep Well

As part of the book ‘Sleep Well: Reduce Insomnia And Increase Your Energy, Focus, Health, Fitness And Creativity By Sleeping Better Every Night’, I’ve put together this handy checklist for you to use each and every night. Try it and see if there is any more you can do to help promote a good night of sleep tonight:

The Sleep Well Checklist for Better Sleep

Activity Outdoors – have you had a good walk in the fresh air and natural light today?

Good Food – have you eaten well from a wide selection of healthy options?

Stimulants – have you limited your intake of caffeine and stopped it from 4pm?

‘Me’ Time – have you taken time out to do something just for you that you really love?

Relaxation – have you had a massage or enjoyed a meditation or Yoga practice today?

Bedroom – is your bedroom the ideal space for a good quality sleep?

Bedtime Routine – have you followed your routine for a great night of sleep?

You can download a PDF copy of Sleep-Well-Checklist for FREE here.

For more information and some helpful resources for sleep, visit


Sleep well, every night.